Clean Approaches for Coaches by Marian Way offers guidance on creating the conditions for change within a coaching session - using Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling.
It focuses on creating these conditions naturally and without giving advice, making suggestions, or interpreting your clients' needs. It answers a question many new coaches have: "OK, I get that it is the client who does the work and that I have to keep my opinions to myself - but how do I do that?".
Throughout the book, there are plentiful examples, diagrams and case studies to aid your learning. Written in a clear and engaging style, with quirky illustrations created by the author, this is not just a how-to book. It is also a story book and a reference book. Whether you are a new or experienced coach, new to Clean Language or a veteran, this is a must-have book.
Used as a self-study tool or a course text, this workbook will empower you with effective and flexible new tools to use alone or integrate with what you already do.