Here is their review of Chess Improvement:
Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, œChess Improvement is eminently suitable for any chess player from novice to professional, as well as the reading lists of chess coaches or the parent of a chess player. While especially and unreservedly recommended for community, college, and university library Chess instructional reference collections, it should be noted for personal studies that œChess Improvement is also readily available in a digital book format.
And here is their review of The Complete Learner™s Toolkit:
Specifically designed for classroom teachers to use with students ages 7-16, the individual lesson plans in œThe Complete Learner™s Toolkit are also available as editable PDFs sold under an annual licence. Thoroughly ˜user friendly™ in organization and presentation, œThe Complete Learner™s Toolkit will empower teachers to transform their pupils learning and reliably achieve academic success throughout their school career and life.
Click to find out more about Chess Improvement and The Complete Learner™s Toolkit.