Books by Steve Munby Bundle

You can purchase all 3 Steve Munby Titles for £50!

By: Steve Munby

Old price: £62.00

Get all 3 of Steve Munby's books, Imperfect Leadership and Imperfect Leadership in Action and Unfinished Business in a special bundle deal for just £50!

In Imperfect Leadership: A book for leaders who know they don’t know it all, Steve Munby eloquently reflects upon and describes a leadership approach that is strong on self-awareness and positive about the importance of asking for help.


Written by Steve Munby and Marie-Claire Bretherton, Imperfect Leadership in Action: A practical book for school leaders who know they don’t know it all is designed to help leaders pursue imperfect leadership as something to be celebrated and as a foundation for success.


Edited by David Cameron, Steve Munby and Mick Waters, Unfinished Business: The life and legacy of Sir Tim Brighouse – a tribute and a call to action is a celebration of the extraordinary life and work of Sir Tim Brighouse and a compelling roadmap for educational progress. This book not only honors Tim’s legacy but also prompts the reader to grapple with the complexity of our schooling world, to think more widely, deeply and creatively about the future of education and, above all, to help young people create a better future.


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Picture for author Steve Munby

Steve Munby

Steve Munby has spent his whole career in education, first as a teacher and then as an adviser and inspector before moving into leadership. Between 2005 and 2017 he was chief executive first of the National College for School Leadership in England and then of Education Development Trust, an international education charity. He is now a self-employed consultant and speaker on leadership and on system reform.


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