Beyond Wiping Noses has been reviewed!

Monday, 7 December 2020

"This was a fascinating read. Stephen Lane is a pastoral leader who has been watching the golden age of research-based advances in the quality of information available to guide academic teaching. Rather than simply enjoying this it led to him ask the question- why aren™t the pastoral aspects of teaching so well catered for. Despite my wide reading it isn™t a question I have ever asked myself but as soon as I read it, it seemed obvious. Out with behaviour, there is a relative lack of clarity as to who or what to read to get a sense of the best bets in pastoral care. This book was Lane™s admirable attempt to address this. He covered key aspects of a school pastoral provision and identified what research or books were out there and then outline his conclusions in each area. The identification of key issues and great reads is worth buying this book by itself. Some of Lane™s conclusions were less convincing based on my own experiences/reading but they were always well argued, thought through and evidenced. This was a book that I will return to when reviewing specific aspects of pastoral provision- if nothing else for the quality of the further reading suggestions.

Read this if¦ you are in a position of pastoral leadership."

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