Becoming A Teacher is now available!

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Becoming A Teacher by Alan Newland is now available to order exclusively from us 

Written by Alan Newland, Becoming a Teacher: The legal, ethical and moral implications of entering society’s most fundamental profession is an inspiring and motivating guide to embarking confidently on a career in teaching and, above all, acquiring and developing the essential character traits and values to flourish in it.

Accessible, readable and engaging, Becoming a Teacher draws on Alan’s decades of professional work and academic study in education to set out the key principles for developing and understanding the professional values essential to becoming a good teacher.

To order your copy or find out more, click here.

"Becoming a Teacher has tremendous merit and value, providing a key point of reference for students. Alan addresses sensitive issues in depth – issues that often cause confusion and uncertainty among trainees and ECTs. The book's format also aligns with the way we encourage trainee teachers to approach their studies, which is to critically analyse and evaluate their practice and search for ways to strengthen and confirm their evolving teacher identities – so it will also appeal to all early career teachers."

Suzanne Allies, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Worcester

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