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Peter Clutterbuck

Peter Clutterbuck was a prolific author of educational texts for many years. As a practising and wholly committed classroom teacher, he was able to collect tried and tested activities and create and trial interesting new exercises that have proved to be not only educationally successful but also eagerly anticipated and enjoyed by both students and teachers. Peter's books are practical and user-friendly. The activities challenge students and generate an enthusiastic desire for learning.

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Tait Coles

Tait Coles is a teacher, Vice Principal in a Bradford Academy and an educational speaker. He is a classroom maverick and a respected radical of modern teaching.

Previously, Tait has been Assistant Head Teacher at a comprehensive school in Leeds and was Head of Science in one of the many challenging schools in Bradford.

Tait is the creator of Punk Learning; a manifesto that challenges the orthodoxy and complacency of teaching and allows students to be central to a critical educational culture where they learn how to become individuals and social agents rather than merely disengaged spectators who have their part to play' in the Neoliberal ideology of modern schooling.

Click here to listen in on Tait's podcast with Pivotal Education - Punk Learning'.

Click here to read Tait Coles’ blog.


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Peter Cook

Peter Cook leads Human Dynamics and The Academy of Rock, a creativity and innovation consultancy with an enviable network of associates around the world. We facilitate strategy, creativity, innovation and change through bespoke consultancy, masterclasses, keynotes, training, coaching and mentoring. Author and contributor to 11 books, acclaimed by Professors Charles Handy, Adrian Furnham, Harvey Goldsmith CBE and Tom Peters. Peter appears on BBC TV, Radio, Bloomberg TV, The FT, Independent et al. with his ideas. He won a prize for his work on leadership from Sir Richard Branson, is a writer for and works with Ted Coine's Open For Business speaker network. Peter has followed three concurrent passions over 30 years: science; business and music:

· Leading innovative Pharmaceutical Product Research and Development teams to bring multi-million dollar life saving drugs safely to the market, including the first treatments for AIDS, Herpes and the development of Human Insulin.

· Trouble-shooting businesses and starting up factories around the world in critical conditions where failure could hurt the enterprise considerably.

Click here to read Peter Cooks blog.

· Internal business, organisation development and change consultancy to introduce long-term change to business units and increase their innovation and creativity levels.

· Writing and tutoring for Business Schools at MBA level for blue chip companies around the world.

· Writing and performing music and speaking around the world on the parallels between business and the arts. Peter interviews a wide range of world-class musicians in this role including people connected with Prince, Eric Clapton, Ozzy Osbourne, Deep Purple, Bob Marley, Yes, AC / DC, Meatloaf and The Who.

Peter has an MBA, is a Chartered Chemist, FCIPD and an NLP Old Master. He is also an accomplished rock, pop and jazz musician, having performed alongside Bernie Tormé, John Otway, Wilko Johnson, Patti Russo, Meatloaf's long-term singing partner and songstress with Queen and Cher. Peter's keynotes and masterclasses can be accompanied by a roster of class A rock stars and session musicians.

Peter Cook Extras

FREE BOOK ' Punk Rock People Management - A no-nonsense guide to hiring, inspiring and firing staff.

Available free with copies of Sex, Leadership and Rock'n'Roll by contacting the author In Punk Rock People Management. I have stripped down HR to the bare essentials for busy people and those who are sick of HR jargon getting in the way of running a business. In the punk spirit, each chapter is very short, so you can read one in less time than it takes to pogo to a Sex Pistols or Linkin Park song! Punk Rock PM is organised using the classic Life, Sex and Death HR cycle', in other words Hiring, Inspiring and Firing. To whet your appetite, chapter titles include:

- Selection - Shall I stay or shall I go?

- Engagement - Pretty vacant

- Conflict - Who killed Bambi?

If you have to get things done with people and can't get no satisfaction from an HR textbook, try Punk Rock PM for a refreshing difference.

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Lynne Cooper
Lynne Cooper is an accredited coach and coaching supervisor who works with individuals, teams and organisations to transform performance. Lynne is one of the pioneers of the application of Clean Language in organisations to achieve sustainable change. She is Managing Partner of Change Perspectives Partnership and the former UK Vice Chair at the Association for Coaching.Lynne co-developed the Five-Minute Coach, a tool for busy managers to create improved results and trains leaders and coaches in Five-Minute Coach skills. She is also the author of Business NLP for Dummies.
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Andy Cope

Andy Cope is the author of the famous Spy Dog books, a trainer and keynote speaker. He is an expert in positive psychology and happiness, which led him to develop The Art of Being Brilliant. This is delivered in various forms as workshops for businesses, conferences, teachers and teenagers. It has also informed the thinking behind his brilliant books.

Click here to listen in on Andy's podcast with Pivotal Education - 'Being Brilliant!'.

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Ellie Costello

Ellie Costello joined Square Peg as Director in 2020, having experienced life as the parent of children with underlying needs which impacted their ability to access and ‘fit’ the education system. She now runs the organisation, as well as working as an Expert By Experience with local authority and health teams in her home county of Warwickshire.


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James Cowart, PhD

James Cowart is a psychologist with a special interest in providing cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to people suffering with anxiety disorders. He has a PhD in Applied Behaviour Analysis and is a member of the American Psychological Association. He specialises in problem-solving formats in family and couples therapy, as well as cognitive behavioural and interpersonal approaches to treat depression and anxiety.

Click here to read James Cowart's article - Why is anxiety increasing among our young people?'

Four big skills for coping with stress and anxiety in business and in life'.

Click here to listen to James' podcast with LCCH International.

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Sue Cowley

Sue Cowley is a writer, presenter and teacher trainer, and the author of more than 25 books on education, including How to Survive your First Year in Teaching. Her international bestseller, Getting the Buggers to Behave, is a fixture on university lists, and has been translated into ten different languages. After training as an early years teacher, Sue taught English and drama in secondary schools in the UK and overseas, and she also worked as a supply teacher. She now spends her time writing educational books and articles and is a columnist for Teach Nursery, Teach Primary and Nursery World magazines. Sue works internationally as a teacher trainer, as well as volunteering in primary classrooms and helping to run her local preschool.

Click here to listen in on Sue's podcast with Pivotal Education 'How to fix education'.

Click here to read Sue's article in TeachTalks magazine 'Learning: Beyond the Walls' (p.20).

Click here to read Sue's article in TES 'What evidence does Amanda Speilman have to suggest nurseries don't teach nursery rhymes'.

Click here to read Sue Cowley’s blog.

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Dawn Cox

Dawn Cox has been teaching RE for 20 years and is currently a head of department in Essex. She has held many other roles in and out of RE, including advanced skills teaching and senior leadership roles, and also runs a local RE network. Dawn regularly presents at national and international conferences, including researchED and specialist events such as Strictly RE.

Click here to read Dawn Cox’s blog.

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Bob Cox

Having taught English for 23 years, Bob Cox is now an independent education consultant, writer and teacher coach who works nationally and internationally to support outstanding learning. Bob also delivers keynotes for national associations, multi-academy trusts and local authorities, as more schools integrate Opening Doors' strategies into their curriculum design.

Listen to Bob Cox talk about his Opening Doors series of books with Toria Bono from Tiny Voice Talks here.

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James Crane

James Crane went to school in Cyprus before moving back to the UK to study Sports Coaching and Physical Education at University. He is now Assistant Headteacher at Durrington High School and Deputy Director at Durrington Research School. James is a keen sportsman having competed in tennis, swimming and athletics at regional levels, and has also represented England Colleges at an international level in football.

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Leah Crawford

Leah Crawford has 15 years’ experience as a local authority English inspector and adviser, working across both the primary and secondary phases, and now leads Thinktalk education consultancy. She is a tutor for King’s College London’s Let’s Think in English cognitive acceleration programme, is on the Wildern Partnership SCITT leadership team and is delivering the new NPQ in Leading Literacy.  She has spent her career in education championing equitable and inclusive dialogic teaching and learning.

Click here to read Leah Crawford’s blog.

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