ASCL Annual Conference 2020 starts in one week

Friday, 6 March 2020

Our theme for the ASCL Annual Conference 2020 is Diverse Leadership.

Through a series of high-profile speakers and innovative workshops we will explore diversity in leadership in all forms, from who we are to what we do, our differing roles and organisations and the synergies between us, the varied backgrounds that we have and the different way that we lead and our aspirations for ourselves, our teams, our children and young people and our communities.

We will examine how we can increase diversity within school and college leadership to help us develop a vibrant, innovative and positive future for the profession. And we will have great opportunities to learn from each other, through sharing experiences and ideas with colleagues from across the leadership spectrum.

With input from leading educationalists, serving school and college leaders and policy makers plus inspiring and informative leaders from other sectors, ASCL Annual Conference 2020 is not to be missed.

Find out more and book your place here.

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