Product reviews for Restorative Practice at Work

Chris Straker, Director of Restorative Thinking Ltd, consultant and trainer in restorative practice

This book is a refreshing and important addition to the field of restorative practice because it has been written with a clear understanding that restorative practice does not exist on the page or in a training room but in the real-life context of professionals, practitioners, young people and families. 

Many books do not make that transition possible and the result is individuals, having been inspired by what they have read, cannot then put the theory into practice. The metaphor of habits (here, six restorative habits) offers a scaffolding to explore theory and, more importantly, apply it to the individual’s context. 

Alongside the theoretical inputs, there are activities within each section of the book that will enable the reader to not only self-reflect, but also reflect about self within the organisation in which they might work. The use of supportive anecdotes, provided by a wide range of health staff, will also enable readers to get a feel for what developing and living with these habits is like.

Parkinson says, ‘I want this book to make a notable, positive difference to your daily workplace experience … [regardless of your] role in healthcare.’ I think this book can and will do that for those who read and apply its six restorative habits to their daily personal and professional lives.

Bethan | 31/07/2023 22:59
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